Using Aptos Wallet Adapter
Telegram MiniApps
Telegram Mini App Development

Telegram Mini App Development

Your dApp can be promoted and reach millions of users through the Telegram Mini App (opens in a new tab) by intergated with mizu on Aptos. And it's very easy to convert your dApp to a Telegram Mini App.

Create A Bot

Open @BotFather (opens in a new tab), then type /start.

Create a new bot by /newbot or setting up an existing bot by /mybots.

Create A Mini App

Create a new Mini App by /newapp or setting up an existing Mini App by /myapps.

Please follow the conversations to set up step by step.

NOTICE: If your dApp is using aptos-wallet-adapter, there's no more things need to do.

When users connect / signAndSubmitTransaction on your dApp, the wallet will automatically redirect to the mizu Mini App.

Initializing Mini App


Please continue the steps below to initialize your Mini App if you are not using aptos-wallet-adapter (opens in a new tab).

Place the Telegram Script (opens in a new tab) in the <head> tag before any other scripts.

<script src=""></script>

Connect mizu

Sign And Submit Transaction

To learn more details about using mizu, please refer to @mizuwallet-sdk/core.